「一切發自愛,非出於勉強」(慈幼會總會長贈言2022)    「無論我們是處於什麼境況或從事什麼工作,我們皆能成聖。」(聖方濟沙雷氏)    「生命的滿全就是愛的滿全,愛是生命的靈魂。」(聖方濟沙雷氏)    「與朋友交談時要有同理心;時常帶給朋友喜樂;與朋友對話要親切;時常帶著喜悅的目光。」(鮑思高的與朋友相處之道)    「喜樂是祈禱,喜樂是力量,喜樂是愛,喜樂是愛之網,能網羅人的靈魂。」(德蘭修女)    「沉默的果實是祈禱;祈禱的果實是信德,信德的果實是愛德,愛德的果實是服務,服務的果實是和平。」(德蘭修女)    「給人體貼的愛和關心。你所散發出的關懷與喜樂會帶給人極大的希望。」(德蘭修女)    「在那一天,你們歡喜踴躍吧!看,你們的賞報在天上是豐厚的。(路6:23)
Fun Zone


 Fun Zone        P.1 - P.2


Let us introduce you to the 'Fun Zone', where each child will learn, participate and be involved in active engagement.


We love to create and curate the best learning activities for Primary 1/2 students. It will be a fun hands-on learning experience for them to understand, remember and process...and did I say it will be fun?


The Fun Zone will have interactive storytelling, role-playing, drama, songs, nursery rhymes, games, imaginative play and more. We know that when children learn something through an activity, they will remember it and process it more fully.


Let us get the children excited about learning, as each activity will have a theme and this will allow them to develop confidence and  enhance their social skills. The Fun Zone will encourage imagination and the expression of feelings through its various activities. 


We can't wait to see you in the Fun Zone! See you there!


聖母小學   Our Lady's Primary School電話:23201001
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